

  • ToolChainException: Base class for all tool specific exceptions
  • ConfigurationException: ConfigurationException is raise while running configuration or database
  • SkipConfigurationException: SkipConfigurationException is a ConfigurationException,


  • ConfigurationState: Describes the configuration state of a tool or vendor.
  • ChangeState: Describes if a configuration was changed.
  • ToolMixIn: Undocumented.
  • AskMixIn: Undocumented.
  • Configuration: Base class for all Configuration classes.
  • VendorConfiguration: Base class for all vendor Configuration classes.
  • ToolConfiguration: Base class for all tool Configuration classes.
  • EditionDescription: EditionDescription(Name, Section)
  • Edition: An enumeration.
  • ToolSelector: Base class for all Selector classes.
  • Configurator: A instance of this class controls the interactive configuration process.
exception pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ToolChainException(message='')[source]

Base class for all tool specific exceptions


Inheritance diagram of ToolChainException



Exception initializer

Parameters:message (str) – The exception message.

Returns the exception’s message text.

exception pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ConfigurationException(message='')[source]

ConfigurationException is raise while running configuration or database tasks in pyIPCMI


Inheritance diagram of ConfigurationException



Exception initializer

Parameters:message (str) – The exception message.

Returns the exception’s message text.

exception pyIPCMI.ToolChain.SkipConfigurationException(message='')[source]

SkipConfigurationException is a ConfigurationException, which can be skipped.


Inheritance diagram of SkipConfigurationException



Exception initializer

Parameters:message (str) – The exception message.

Returns the exception’s message text.

class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ConfigurationState[source]

Describes the configuration state of a tool or vendor.


Inheritance diagram of ConfigurationState


Unconfigured = 0
Configured = 1
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ChangeState[source]

Describes if a configuration was changed.


Inheritance diagram of ChangeState


Unchanged = 0
Changed = 1
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ToolMixIn(platform, dryrun, binaryDirectoryPath, version, logger=None)[source]


Inheritance diagram of ToolMixIn


class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.AskMixIn[source]


Inheritance diagram of AskMixIn


_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)[source]
_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)[source]

Ask a YES/no/pass question.

_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)[source]

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)[source]

Print all available editions and return the selected index.

class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.Configuration(host: pyIPCMI.Base.IHost)[source]

Base class for all Configuration classes.


Inheritance diagram of Configuration


_vendor = 'Unknown'

The name of the tools vendor.

_section = 'INSTALL.Name'

The name of the configuration section. Pattern: INSTALL.Tool.

_multiVersionSupport = False

True if a tool supports multiple versions installed on the same system.

_template = {'ALL': {'INSTALL.Name': {}}, 'Darwin': {'INSTALL.Name': {}}, 'Linux': {'INSTALL.Name': {}}, 'MinGW': {'INSTALL.Name': {}}, 'Windows': {'INSTALL.Name': {}}}

The template for the configuration sections represented as nested dictionaries.


Return the hosting object.


Return the configuration state.


Return the configuration’s section name.


Return true if the given platform is supported by this configuration routine.


Return true if the configurations section is configured


Check if all vendor or tool dependencies are fulfilled to configure this tool.

classmethod GetSections(platform)[source]

Return all section names for this configuration.

PrepareSections(warningWasWritten, writeWarnings=True)[source]

Clear the configuration section associated to this Configuration class.


Start the configuration procedure for Darwin.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Darwin specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Linux.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Linux specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Windows.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Windows specific configuration routine.


Start a generic (platform independent) configuration procedure.

Overwrite this method to implement a generic configuration routine for a (tool) Configuration class.


Ask a Yes/No/Pass question.


Asks for installation directory and updates section. Checks if entered directory exists and returns Path object. If no installation directory was configured before, then _GetDefaultInstallationDir is called.


Return unresolved default installation directory (str) from template.

Overwrite function in sub-class for automatic search of installation directory.


Helper function for automatic search of installation directory.


Virtual method. Overwrite to execute post-configuration tasks.

Log(entry, condition=True)

Write an entry to the local logger.

LogDebug(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogDryRun(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogError(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogFatal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogInfo(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogNormal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogQuiet(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogVerbose(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogWarning(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)

Return the local logger instance.

_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)
_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a YES/no/pass question.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)

Print all available editions and return the selected index.

_TryLog(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.VendorConfiguration(host: pyIPCMI.Base.IHost)[source]

Base class for all vendor Configuration classes.


Inheritance diagram of VendorConfiguration


_section = 'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool'

The name of the configuration section. Pattern: INSTALL.Vendor.

_template = {'Darwin': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': '/opt/Vendor'}}, 'Linux': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': '/opt/Vendor'}}, 'Windows': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': 'C:/Vendor'}}}

The template for the configuration section represented as nested dictionaries.


Return true if the vendor represented by this Configuration class is configured in pyIPCMI.

Inherited method IsConfigured() from class Configuration.


Start a generic (platform independent) vendor configuration procedure.

This method configures a vendor path. Overwrite this method to implement a vendor specific configuration routine for a vendor Configuration class.


Check if all vendor or tool dependencies are fulfilled to configure this tool.


Clear the configuration section associated to this Configuration class.


Start the configuration procedure for Darwin.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Darwin specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Linux.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Linux specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Windows.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Windows specific configuration routine.

classmethod GetSections(platform)

Return all section names for this configuration.


Return the hosting object.


Return true if the given platform is supported by this configuration routine.

Log(entry, condition=True)

Write an entry to the local logger.

LogDebug(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogDryRun(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogError(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogFatal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogInfo(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogNormal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogQuiet(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogVerbose(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogWarning(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)

Return the local logger instance.

PrepareSections(warningWasWritten, writeWarnings=True)

Virtual method. Overwrite to execute post-configuration tasks.


Return the configuration’s section name.


Return the configuration state.

_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)

Ask a Yes/No/Pass question.

_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a YES/no/pass question.


Asks for installation directory and updates section. Checks if entered directory exists and returns Path object. If no installation directory was configured before, then _GetDefaultInstallationDir is called.


Return unresolved default installation directory (str) from template.

Overwrite function in sub-class for automatic search of installation directory.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)

Print all available editions and return the selected index.


Helper function for automatic search of installation directory.

_TryLog(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
_multiVersionSupport = False
_vendor = 'Unknown'
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ToolConfiguration(host: pyIPCMI.Base.IHost)[source]

Base class for all tool Configuration classes.


Inheritance diagram of ToolConfiguration


_section = 'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool'

The name of the configuration section. Pattern: INSTALL.Vendor.ToolName.

_toolName = 'Tool'

The name of the tool.

_template = {'ALL': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'Version': '1.0'}}, 'Darwin': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': '${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool', 'BinaryDirectory': '${InstallationDirectory}/bin'}}, 'Linux': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': '${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool', 'BinaryDirectory': '${InstallationDirectory}/bin'}}, 'Windows': {'INSTALL.Vendor.Tool': {'InstallationDirectory': '${INSTALL.Vendor:InstallationDirectory}/${Version}/Tool/', 'BinaryDirectory': '${InstallationDirectory}/bin'}}}

The template for the configuration section represented as nested dictionaries.


Return true if the tool represented by this Configuration class is configured in pyIPCMI.

Inherited method IsConfigured() from class Configuration.


If no version was configured before, then _GetDefaultVersion is called. Asks for version and updates section. Returns version as string.


Returns unresolved default version (str) from template.

Overwrite this method in a sub-class for automatic search of version.

_ConfigureEdition(editions, defaultEdition)[source]

Returns unresolved default edition (str) from template.

Overwrite this method in a sub-class for automatic search of editions.


Updates section with value from _template and returns directory as Path object.


Check if all vendor or tool dependencies are fulfilled to configure this tool.


Clear the configuration section associated to this Configuration class.


Start a generic (platform independent) configuration procedure.

Overwrite this method to implement a generic configuration routine for a (tool) Configuration class.


Start the configuration procedure for Darwin.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Darwin specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Linux.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Linux specific configuration routine.


Start the configuration procedure for Windows.

This method is a wrapper for ConfigureForAll(). Overwrite this method to implement a Windows specific configuration routine.

classmethod GetSections(platform)

Return all section names for this configuration.


Return the hosting object.


Return true if the given platform is supported by this configuration routine.

Log(entry, condition=True)

Write an entry to the local logger.

LogDebug(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogDryRun(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogError(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogFatal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogInfo(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogNormal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogQuiet(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogVerbose(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogWarning(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)

Return the local logger instance.

PrepareSections(warningWasWritten, writeWarnings=True)

Virtual method. Overwrite to execute post-configuration tasks.


Return the configuration’s section name.


Return the configuration state.

_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)

Ask a Yes/No/Pass question.

_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a YES/no/pass question.


Asks for installation directory and updates section. Checks if entered directory exists and returns Path object. If no installation directory was configured before, then _GetDefaultInstallationDir is called.


Return unresolved default installation directory (str) from template.

Overwrite function in sub-class for automatic search of installation directory.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)

Print all available editions and return the selected index.


Helper function for automatic search of installation directory.

_TryLog(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
_multiVersionSupport = False
_vendor = 'Unknown'
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.EditionDescription(Name, Section)


Inheritance diagram of EditionDescription



Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

_fields = ('Name', 'Section')
classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new EditionDescription object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new EditionDescription object replacing specified fields with new values

_source = "from builtins import property as _property, tuple as _tuple\nfrom operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter\nfrom collections import OrderedDict\n\nclass EditionDescription(tuple):\n 'EditionDescription(Name, Section)'\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n _fields = ('Name', 'Section')\n\n def __new__(_cls, Name, Section):\n 'Create new instance of EditionDescription(Name, Section)'\n return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (Name, Section))\n\n @classmethod\n def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):\n 'Make a new EditionDescription object from a sequence or iterable'\n result = new(cls, iterable)\n if len(result) != 2:\n raise TypeError('Expected 2 arguments, got %d' % len(result))\n return result\n\n def _replace(_self, **kwds):\n 'Return a new EditionDescription object replacing specified fields with new values'\n result = _self._make(map(kwds.pop, ('Name', 'Section'), _self))\n if kwds:\n raise ValueError('Got unexpected field names: %r' % list(kwds))\n return result\n\n def __repr__(self):\n 'Return a nicely formatted representation string'\n return self.__class__.__name__ + '(Name=%r, Section=%r)' % self\n\n def _asdict(self):\n 'Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.'\n return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self))\n\n def __getnewargs__(self):\n 'Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.'\n return tuple(self)\n\n Name = _property(_itemgetter(0), doc='Alias for field number 0')\n\n Section = _property(_itemgetter(1), doc='Alias for field number 1')\n\n"
count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.Edition(name, section)[source]

An enumeration.


Inheritance diagram of Edition


class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.ToolSelector(host: pyIPCMI.Base.IHost)[source]

Base class for all Selector classes.


Inheritance diagram of ToolSelector


_toolName = ''

Return all configured editions.

_AskSelection(editions, defaultEdition)[source]
Log(entry, condition=True)

Write an entry to the local logger.

LogDebug(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogDryRun(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogError(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogFatal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogInfo(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogNormal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogQuiet(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogVerbose(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogWarning(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)

Return the local logger instance.

_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)
_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a YES/no/pass question.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)

Print all available editions and return the selected index.

_TryLog(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
class pyIPCMI.ToolChain.Configurator(host: pyIPCMI.Base.IHost)[source]

A instance of this class controls the interactive configuration process.


Inheritance diagram of Configurator



Select all tool chains for configuration


Select tool chains for configuration.


Initialize pyIPCMI’s configuration with empty sections.

The list of sections is gathered from all enabled configurators’ _template fields.


Update an existing configuration e.g. after a pyIPCMI update.


Run the configuration routines for a list of configurators


Retry to configure a vendor or tool until it succeeds or the user presses P to pass a configuration step.

A :py:exec:`KeyboardInterrupt` should be handled in a calling method.


Write a header containing general information about the configuration and list allowed input values for yes/no/pass questions.


Ask if default tools should be configured now.

Log(entry, condition=True)

Write an entry to the local logger.

LogDebug(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogDryRun(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogError(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogFatal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogInfo(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogNormal(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogQuiet(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogVerbose(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)
LogWarning(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)

Return the local logger instance.

_Ask(question, default, beforeDefault='', afterDefault='', indent=1)
_AskYes_NoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a yes/NO/pass question.

_Ask_YesNoPass(question, indent=1)

Ask a YES/no/pass question.

_PrintAvailableEditions(editions, selectedEdition)

Print all available editions and return the selected index.

_TryLog(*args, condition=True, **kwargs)