Downloading PoC

Downloading from GitHub

The PoC-Library can be downloaded as a zip-file from GitHub. See the following table, to choose your desired git branch.

Branch Download Link
master zip-file Source Code from GitHub - 'master' branch.
release zip-file Source Code from GitHub - 'release' branch.

Downloading via git clone

The PoC-Library can be downloaded (cloned) with git clone from GitHub. GitHub offers the transfer protocols HTTPS and SSH. You should use SSH if you have a GitHub account and have already uploaded an OpenSSH public key to GitHub, otherwise use HTTPS if you have no account or you want to use login credentials.

The created folder <GitRoot>\PoC is used as <PoCRoot> in later instructions or on other pages in this documentation.

Protocol GitHub Repository URL
SSH ssh://

On Linux

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Linux machine with HTTPS protocol:

cd GitRoot
git clone --recursive "" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Linux machine machine with SSH protocol:

cd GitRoot
git clone --recursive "ssh://" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github


Please see the Linux instructions.

On Windows


All Windows command line instructions are intended for Windows PowerShell, if not marked otherwise. So executing the following instructions in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) won’t function or result in errors! See the Requirements section on where to download or update PowerShell.

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Windows machine with HTTPS protocol:

cd GitRoot
git clone --recursive "" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Windows machine with SSH protocol:

cd GitRoot
git clone --recursive "ssh://" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github


The option --recursive performs a recursive clone operation for all linked git submodules. An additional git submodule init and git submodule update call is not needed anymore.

Downloading via git submodule add

The PoC-Library is meant to be integrated into other HDL projects (preferably Git versioned projects). Therefore it’s recommended to create a library folder and add the PoC-Library as a git submodule.

The following command line instructions will create a library folder :file:`lib` and clone PoC as a git submodule into the subfolder :file:`<ProjectRoot>libPoC`.

On Linux

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Linux machine with HTTPS protocol:

cd ProjectRoot
mkdir lib
git submodule add "" lib/PoC
cd lib/PoC
git remote rename origin github
cd ../..
git add .gitmodules lib/PoC
git commit -m "Added new git submodule PoC in 'lib/PoC' (PoC-Library)."

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Linux machine machine with SSH protocol:

cd ProjectRoot
mkdir lib
git submodule add "ssh://" lib/PoC
cd lib/PoC
git remote rename origin github
cd ../..
git add .gitmodules lib/PoC
git commit -m "Added new git submodule PoC in 'lib/PoC' (PoC-Library)."


Please see the Linux instructions.

On Windows


All Windows command line instructions are intended for Windows PowerShell, if not marked otherwise. So executing the following instructions in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) won’t function or result in errors! See the Requirements section on where to download or update PowerShell.

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Windows machine with HTTPS protocol:

cd <ProjectRoot>
mkdir lib | cd
git submodule add "" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github
cd ..\..
git add .gitmodules lib\PoC
git commit -m "Added new git submodule PoC in 'lib\PoC' (PoC-Library)."

Command line instructions to clone the PoC-Library onto a Windows machine with SSH protocol:

cd <ProjectRoot>
mkdir lib | cd
git submodule add "ssh://" PoC
cd PoC
git remote rename origin github
cd ..\..
git add .gitmodules lib\PoC
git commit -m "Added new git submodule PoC in 'lib\PoC' (PoC-Library)."